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Phospholipids form the lipid bilayer that are the basis of cell membranes.

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8y ago

maybe phspholipids

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Q: Which macromolecule forms a double layer as the primary structure of cell membranes?
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What is the primary structure of DNA?

The sequence of nitrogenous bases forms the primary structure of the molecule, analagous to the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide.

What is the structure of a nuclear membrane?

The nuclear membrane consists of a double membrane that enclose the nucleus. These membranes are made of phospholipids with numerous pores.

How many membren situated in mitochondria?

There are two membranes. Mitochondria are double membranous

How is the structure of cell membranes influenced by the reaction of phospholipids to water?

A phospholipid is placed in water, it spontaneously folds upon itself to create a double layer. This reaction is also the foundation for fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. The internal membranes compartmentalize reactions to stop interference.

A lipid bilayer is characteristic of all membranes?

A lipid bilayer is characteristic of all biological membranes. Some membranes are double bilayers.

What is bounded by a double membrane?

Chloroplasts, mitochondria and the nucleus have double membranes.

Are phospholipids found in the cell membranes of animal cells?

yes, they are orgranized in the bilayer of the plasma membrane.

How many membranes do chloroplasts contain?


How many membranes are in the chloroplasts?

Nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane.

What molecules form the double layer of cell membranes?

A double layer of phospholipids makes up most of your cell membranes

Which 3 organelles have double menbrane?

The nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast have double membranes.

Does a chloroplast and mitochondria have double membranes?

Yes,they have two membranes.Both are double membranous.