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Risk of exposure is low

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Q: Which is not a reason to seek addtional vaccination or immunizations against a pathogen?
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How active vaccination protect the body against disease?

Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.

True or false Vaccination triggers an immune response against the pathogen by simulating an infection?


What is the name of the process when a person is immunised against a disease by injecting them with an inactive form of a pathogen?

The process is called vaccination. It involves injecting a person with a harmless form of a pathogen, such as a dead or weakened virus or bacteria, to stimulate the immune system to produce an immune response without causing the disease.

What would happen if an individual receives a vaccination containing a weakened pathogen?

Sometimes they will develop mild flu like symptoms and have a low grade fever. With the weakened your body will recognize the pathogen and develop antibodies against it, so your reaction would be milder then contracting the actual illness.


form_title=Immunizations form_header=Have you had your pet vaccinated? Keep your beloved pet protected from diseases by maintaing a current vaccination status. What type of pet(s) do you need immunized (Check all that apply)?*= [] Cat [] Dog [] Bird [] Rabbit [] Horse [] Other Do you get a shot record for your pets?*= () Yes () No Do you know which immunizations your pet has received?*= () Yes () No

The process of vaccination?

Vaccination involves administering a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to produce an immune response without causing the disease. The immune system then remembers the pathogen and is able to swiftly recognize and destroy it if the person is later exposed to the actual virus or bacteria. This helps to prevent illness and spread of the disease in the population.

Why does a vaccination provide long-lasting protection against a disease while gamma globulin provides only short-term protection?

With vaccination your body mounts an immune response to the pathogen. You learn what the pathogen looks like and make antibodies (gamma globulin) against it. You then get memory cells which can last a very long time and will let your body respond and fight off the pathogen the next time you are exposed. Gamma globulin is just an antibody that will circulate in your blood and and fight off the pathogens it was made against. You will not mount an immune response, and you will not get memory cells for long lasting protection.

How does the immune system respond to a pathogen that the person has vaccinated against?

When a vaccinated person encounters a pathogen they've been vaccinated against, their immune system recognizes it as a familiar threat due to the memory cells developed during vaccination. This triggers a rapid and targeted immune response, leading to the destruction of the pathogen before it can cause serious illness. This process helps the person stay healthy and recover faster.

What is vaccination and how does it work?

In a vaccination you will receive a version of the pathogen (disease) that can not make you sick because it is inactive or significantly weakened. It will be introduced into your body with an injection or sometimes using oral or nasal formulations. Your immune system will then produce antibodies, which will kill or deactivate the introduced pathogen. Therefore, if an active/live pathogen would enter your body later, your immune system would be quickly able to produce more of the same type of antibodies, as they will recognizethe organism that caused the infection and know what antibodies will work on it. Boosters then might be used over the years to essentially remind the immune system how to defend your body against the pathogen.

The act or practice of inoculating someone with vaccine as a protection against disease-?

Vaccination is the act of administering a vaccine to stimulate the body's immune system to develop immunity against a specific disease. It helps protect individuals from infectious diseases by preparing their immune system to recognize and fight off the pathogen if exposed to it in the future.

Vaccination against the hepatitis A virus is unnecessary if you?

Vaccination against hepatitis A is unnecessary if you have already had the infection.

How do humans develop active immunity by articial and natural means?

Humans can develop active immunity naturally through exposure to a pathogen, which triggers an immune response and the production of antibodies. Artificially, active immunity can be induced through vaccination by administering weakened or inactivated forms of a pathogen, prompting the immune system to produce memory cells for future protection against that specific pathogen.