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Oort cloud comets

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Q: Which have the most elliptical and tilted orbits?
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What has elliptical orbits?

As an elliptical orbit is any orbit that isn't perfectly circular, everything has an elliptical orbit. The planets Mercury and Pluto have the most elliptical orbits of the planets, and are easily seen to be oval shaped. Comets also have highly elliptical orbits.

Who introduced elliptical orbits?

It was Kepler who discovered that the planets orbits are elliptical.

Are MEO HEO and GEO - elliptical orbits?

All closed orbits are elliptical.

What path does the orbit take?

Most planetary orbits are elliptical.

Planetary orbits that are more elliptical have a greater?

Planetary orbits that are elliptical will have a greater focus.

Are comets in circular or elliptical orbits?

Comets do indeed have orbits. Sometimes the orbits take thousands of years. For the most part, they stay in these orbits unless affected by the gravity of another body.

Even though orbits are ellipes what shape is a typical planet's orbits most like?

Planetry orbits are elliptical. Most planet's orbits are nearly circular apart from Mercury and Pluto.

the orbits of the planet are?


What is the shape of the planets orbits discovered by keplar?


What evidence do you have that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun and not in circular orbits?

Elliptical orbits of the planets around the sun actually match what we observe. Newton's Theory of Universal Gravitation states that planets will move around the sun in elliptical orbits.

What planet moved in an elliptical orbit?

All planets have elliptical orbits.

Do asteroids have elliptical orbits?
