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The Mesopotamia civilization built ziggurats and used cuneiform to keep records. The ziggurats were built in the shape of terraced step pyramids and had levels that receded as they went higher.

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13h ago

The Sumerians were the civilization that built ziggurats and used cuneiform to record information. Ziggurats were a form of stepped pyramid temple used for religious purposes, while cuneiform was a system of writing using wedge-shaped characters inscribed on clay tablets.

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Q: Which civilization built ziggurats and used cuneiform to record information?
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Which early civilization built towering ziggurats and kept in cuneiform?


What invention allowed Sumerians to record economic transactions and spread information and their culture?

The Sumerians used cuneiform writing, which involved making wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. This invention allowed them to record economic transactions, disseminate information, and preserve their culture through written records that could be stored and shared.

WHAT used the terraced system of agriculture and quipus?

The Inca civilization used the terraced system of agriculture to farm on steep mountain slopes. Quipus were knotted strings used by the Inca for record-keeping, with each knot representing a numeric value or information.

In what ways were the Inca a technology advanced civilization?

The Inca were advanced in engineering, with their extensive road system, agricultural terracing, and impressive stone masonry in buildings like Machu Picchu. They also developed an impressive network of communication using runners and a system of knotted strings called quipu to record information. Additionally, their use of irrigation systems and knowledge of agricultural practices helped them thrive in diverse landscapes.

What is the record keeping system of the incas?

The Incas used a record keeping system called knotted strings, known as quipus. Quipus consisted of colored and knotted strings made of different materials that represented numbers, dates, and other information. The knots and colors held different meanings, allowing the Incas to record and communicate important data efficiently. However, much of the information recorded in quipus remains a mystery as the precise system of interpretation has been lost.

Related questions

What are the summerians known for?

When I think of Sumerians, I think of Cuneiform because it is the first known record of a written language. Sumerians are also known for Ziggurats, but that is a characteristic of most civilizations built around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Ziggurats are basically pyramidal structures built for worship, temples.

How did sumerians communicate before cuneiform?

Sumerians used pictographs or a Scribe to record information

Instead of using pictographs sumerians developed a type of writing called?

cuneiform. Cuneiform was a system of writing that used wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. It was one of the earliest known forms of written communication and allowed the Sumerians to record information such as laws, business transactions, and historical events. Cuneiform played a crucial role in the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia.

Why did Kramer call cuneiform Summers most signification contribution to civilization?

because since they had learned how to write the people could record important events and tell story of what happend

Why was cuneiform important for the Sumerians?

Cuneiform was important for the Sumerians because it allowed them to record and preserve information, such as legal codes, religious texts, and commercial transactions. It also facilitated communication and bureaucracy within the Sumerian society. Cuneiform was a key factor in the development of written language and helped in the transmission of knowledge across generations.

What was the significance of cuneiform in Mesopotamia?

It provided a writing system for communication and record-keeping.

Why did they invent cuneiform?

it was first developed to record farm surpluses in Ancient Mesopotamia.

What was the original purpose of the cuneiform?

The original purpose of cuneiform was to serve as a writing system in ancient Mesopotamia. It was developed by the Sumerians around 3000 BCE and used primarily to record administrative, legal, and economic information. It gradually evolved into a means of recording myths, literature, and other cultural texts as well.

What is the use of cuneiform?

Cuneiform was used as a writing system in ancient Mesopotamia, particularly by the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. It was used to record administrative documents, laws, literature, and religious texts on clay tablets. Cuneiform was one of the earliest forms of writing and played a significant role in the development of human civilization.

What was the most likely reason why the Mesopotamian people created cuneiform?

The Mesopotamian people created cuneiform primarily as a way to record information. It allowed them to keep records of trade, legal transactions, and administrative details, facilitating communication and record-keeping in their society. The development of cuneiform was likely driven by the increasing complexity of civilization and the need for a more efficient writing system.

Why is ziggurat important?

Part of the Reason Ziggurats were so important was that all the food was stored there, and the priests counted all of it and decided how much food each person should get. Of course, it was harder to do that before record keeping was invented. They wrote in Cuneiform. : )

What are Babylonian Clay Tablets?

They are clay tablets that scribes wrote cuneiform on, normally to record business deals.