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Q: Which cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi?
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Which structure is not involved in asexual reproduction?

Examples of structures that are part of asexual reproduction in some plants are rhizomes and bulbs. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are similar genetically to the parent.

Is mitosis asexual or sexual reproduction?

Mitosis is asexual reproduction. Individual cells do not have sexual organs. Because of this, mitosis reproduces with identical cells.

What is reproduction of male and female sex cells?

Asexual Reproduction

A human skin cell divides is in sexual or asexual reproduction?

Asexual. Only human sex cells are created as haploid cells.

What cells go through asexual reproduction?


Is the budding of yeast cells asexual reproduction?

Yes it is.

Is fertilization asexual or sexual in humans?

{It does not.} While occurring in Eukaryotes, particularly in Plants, asexual reproduction is occasionally a requirement.

Is reproduction a sexual or asexual method?

Depends. for cells, its asexual. for multicellular organisms its sexual

How are sexual and asexual reproduction form?

Sexual reproduction is when two parents put cells into their young. Asexual reproduction is when a organism is formed with only one parent.

What is reproduction in which a new organism is produced when sex cells combined?


How could you use asexual reproduction and mitosis in the same sentence?

Cells in the body, apart from the sex cells, reproduce by mitosis, a form of asexual reproduction where the chromosomes are identical in both the parent and the daughter cells.

Which cell do plants use in asexual reproduction?

Meristematic cells