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I know most tattoo parlors there will tattoo a 17 year old with parents PRESENT. Some will do 16 year olds with parents PRESENT. but written consent doesn't mean much when it can be forged.

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Q: Which Vegas tattoo parlors tattoo minors with consent?
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How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Las Vegas?

That is not the problem my friend,[i think it is 14 or 16] but most tattoo parlors will not tattoo anyone under the age of 18 in most cases.

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No you can not. With consent you can get married at 16 and 17 but under 16 it's only by a courts permission along with parental consent.

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Hart & Huntington, Las Vegas.

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las Vegas

Could you get married if underage in las Vegas?

Parental Consent.

Can a 15 year old get a tattoo in las vegas nevada?

It's illegal to get a tattoo if you are under the age of 18 so more then likely, no.

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No. You'd need parental consent.

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yes, minors on weeknights aren't allowed out after 10 pm to 5 am without a parent or guardian, and on the weekends its from 12 am to 5 am.

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Yes, if the minor has parental consent.

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With parental consent.

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If Nevada and/or Las Vegas has parental consent laws for piercings for children under a certain age, no respectible and safe piercings salon will do piercings without that consent. Getting pierced anywhere else would mean much greater risk of infections and poor work.

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Belle at Las Vegas Tattoo Co in Ybor City.