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Q: Which US state is officially a bilingual state?
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Which state entered the union in 1916 as an officially bilingual state?

New Mexico entered the union in 1916 as an officially bilingual state, with both English and Spanish recognized as official languages. This recognition of bilingualism was a reflection of the state's vibrant Hispanic and Native American cultures.

What really makes a country bilingual?

A country can be considered bilingual when it has two official languages that are widely spoken and used in government, education, and daily life by a significant portion of the population. The level of bilingualism can vary depending on the extent of language use and support for both languages in various aspects of society.

Which was the first state entered the union?

Which state entered the union in 1916 as an officially bilingual state?

What is the term when two countries have two official languages?

Bilingual. Canda is officially bilingual using French and English.

Which province is the only officially bilingual one?

New Brunswick.

Is New Mexico officially bilingual?

No. While laws in New Mexico are published in both English and Spanish, the state has no official language or languages.

When did the US State of Alabama officially became a US State?

December 14, 1819.

What four countries in the Americas that are officially bilingual or multilingual?

Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil

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In what year did the Hawaii officially become part of the US?

It became a state in 1959.

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What date and year did Wyoming become a state?

Wyoming officially became a US state on July 10, 1890.