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The DNA fragments comes from the method of DNA isolation.

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Q: Where do you get the DNA fragments for Gel electrophoresis?
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What is used to separate DNA fragments by size?

Electrophoresis. Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA into fragments. Solutions containing these fragments are placed on the surface of a gel to which an electric current is applied. The electric current causes the DNA fragments to move through the gel. Because smaller fragments move more quickly than larger ones, this process separates the fragments according to size.

How are DNA fragments separated on DNA fingerprinting?

Gel electrophoresis

What is a technique for sorting DNA fragments by length?

it is called " electrophoresis"

Process that restriction fragments of DNA are separated from each other by the use of electricity?

The process is referred to as gel electrophoresis. This is an analytical process where DNA fragments can be separated based on size within a gel under the influence of an electric field

DNA fragments can be separated and analyzed by?

Pulse field gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments by their size.

Are restriction enzymes used in gel electrophoresis?

For DNA gel electrophoresis, yes. Once the DNA is cut up into different-sized fragments, they can be electrophoresed to separate bands.

What are the scientific uses for polyacrylamide?

it is used in gel electrophoresis.....for the separation of DNA fragments

What holds the DNA sample during electrophoresis?

DNA samples are within the gel matrix during electrophoresis. DNA moves at differtent rates through the pores of the gel depending on how long the fragments are. DNA is held by the gel itself.

What procedure is used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and supplying an electrical voltage to the gel?

agarose gel electrophoresis

What are 3 charcteristics that allow gel electrophoresis to work?

The following allow gel electrophoresis to workDifferent sized DNA fragmentsThe migration of DNA under the influence of an electric field in the gel toward the positive electrodeThe different speeds of migration of the DNA fragments - larger fragments moving slower than smaller fragments

After DNA is cut with a restriction enzymes how is the mixture of DNA fragments sorted?

Through the process of gel electrophoresis.

How does DNA and gel electrophoresis relate?

Gel electrophoresis separates an individual's DNA fragments from one another according to size. An electric current repels a mixture of the negatively-charged DNA fragments through microscopic pores in the gel from the negative to the positive electrode. Upon completion, the separated fragments of DNA can be visualized as a ladder of small bands in the gel by staining with a methylene blue dye solution or smaller DNA segments move more easily through the gel.