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Q: Where can you find episodes of Baileys of Balboa 1964?
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What balboa find?

balboa was the first european to see the Pacific Ocean from the Americas.

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Where did vasco nunez de balboa find gold

What did Balboa expect to find?

balboa was expecting to find the pacific ocean, gold and silver like the other spanish people.

What did want vasco Nunez de balboa to find?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa hoped to find a prosperous land or region "flowing with gold". He also wanted to find a quicker route to the West Indies. Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean.

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Why did Vasco Nunez De Balboa explore?

Vasco Nunez De Balboa explored because he wanted to find out if Asia was really where Columbus had said it was.

What land did Vasco Núñez de Balboa found?

Balboa didn't find any land he found the Pacific Ocean.

Why did balboa explore?

Vasco nunez de balboa explored because he hoped to find riches and power in the New World

What year did Vasco Nunes de Balboa find America?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovered the Atlantic ocean on 1513

Did vasco de balboa find any treasure in America?


What did vasco nunez Balboa sail for?

To find gold to be wealthy

What did Vasco de balboa find when he was exploring?

the pacific ocean