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Q: When you fainted and hit your head you vomited the minute you came around?
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What happened after Mr. Lorry's visitor fainted in the hotel?

After Mr. Lorry's visitor fainted in the hotel, he was carried to a room where he was attended to. He regained consciousness and seemed distressed and confused. Mr. Lorry comforted him and assured him that he was safe.

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Yes, I probably am. When I got tickets to see her concert, I screamed and fainted and when she came on to the stage I fainted again! it was so much fun though! Alot of people say they are Mileys #1 fan, even I do! Some hate her, and some love her.

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Doing a speech on money in one minute is easy. Just make sure you take about where it came from and how long it has been around.

What is the best excuse for not handing in your GCSE English coursework?

1. your uncle just died so you have had a lot on your mind/ been busy sorting out his funeral etc. 2. you left it at home but promise to hand it in next lesson 3. Your computer somehow managed to delete it so you will have to start again weren't there when it was set 5. you remember writing it in your book but you just can't find it... maybe you wrote it in your biology book instead? After all it is the same colour. Say that you had heart attack then came back to life and then choked on a carrot then your grandma gave you CPR and brought you back to life and then you vomited over your grandma and killed her then you went to her funeral and vomited on her grave then everyone around you were so upset with you they beat you to death and then a Doctor made you better and you vomited on him and then he vomited on you and then he choked to death and you crapped on his grave because you had diarea and then you went home and looked at you GCSE English course work and you vomited on it and then crapped on it! Is that okay for ya?

What happened after Mr Lorry's visitor fainted in the hotel in the book A Tale of Two Cities?

After Mr. Lorry's visitor fainted in the hotel, she was taken care of by Mr. Lorry and her daughter, Lucie. She gradually regained consciousness and was comforted by Mr. Lorry and Lucie. They provided her with assistance and support until she was feeling better.

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The officers all came from Britain, while stokers were hired at the last minute and came mainly from Ireland and Italy.

What does the expression and here in the 11th hour he came through mean?

He made it at the last minute

How was the first life form?

i strongly recommend this video (around a minute long) which explains how the first single celled organisms came to be through a process called abiogenesis

How was the first life form created?

i strongly recommend this video (around a minute long) which explains how the first single celled organisms came to be through a process called abiogenesis

What was the first civilization to be developed?

Probably Mesopotamia; it dates back around 8000 years. The earliest known writing came from Mesopotamia. Their counting system was based on 60 - we have 60 seconds to a minute and sixty minutes to an hour from them.

Is priyanka chopra dead or alive?

very alive and well, if you're talking about THE Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra.

How did the minute men get their name?

The minute men were men who got dressed very fast. That is why they were called that. it literally came from the fact that they were known to be ready for battle at a minutes notice.