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negative ion

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Q: When electrons are added to the outermost shell of a carbon atom it forms what?
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Noble gases have a set of eight outermost electrons which forms what?

It forms an octet / stable electronic configuration

An atom in which the outermost level is more than half tends to form is which ions?

An atom in which the outermost energy level is more than half full tends to fill its outermost energy level by adding one or more needed electrons. Such an atom forms a negative ion.

Can a atom form as many bonds as there are protons?

it is not right to say that " an atom form as many bonds as there are protons?" because an atom of any elemant can form bond to become stable let us take a example of oxygen it have 6 electrons in the outermost shell and to become stable it forms double covalent bond with another oxygen atom or with two hydrogen to form water it means that it forms bond with 2 electrons so in any case of any atom of any element to have 8 electrons it forms the number of bonds of the remaining electrons to form atoms.

Why do group 2 metals form ions with a 2 charges?

These metal may lose two electrons.

Why carbon is tetrahedral?

The carbon atom is called tetravalent because it forms 4 covalent bonds. A carbon atom has a total of six electrons occupying the first two shells, i.e., the K-shell has two electrons and the L-shell has four electrons. This distribution indicates that in the outermost shell there are one completely filled 's' orbital and two half-filled 'p' orbitals, showing carbon to be a divalent atom. But in actuality, carbon displays tetravalency in the combined state. Therefore, a carbon atom has four valence electrons. It could gain four electrons to form C4- anion or lose four electrons to form C4+ cation. Both these conditions would take carbon far away from achieving stability by the octect rule. To overcome this problem carbon undergoes bonding by sharing its valence electrons. This allows it to be covalently bonded to one, two, three or four carbon atoms or atoms of other elements or groups of atoms.

Related questions

What part of an atom forms a chemical bond?

The electrons (especially the valence electrons)

When an ionic bond forms which parts of the atoms are directly involved?

All forms of chemical (ionic or otherwise) involve only the valence band electrons. These electrons reside in the outermost s orbital and outermost 3 p orbitals.

Why carbon does not form ionic compounds?

Carbon has four valence electrons and to for am ionic compound, carbon should lose all the four electrons. This needs high ionisation energy and hence carbon generally shares electrons and forms covalent compounds. However carbon does form ionic compounds as in metal carbides.

What bond forms when one atom with many electrons in its outermost orbital takes an electron from another atom which has few electrons in its outermost orbital?

ionic bond

Noble gases have a set of eight outermost electrons which forms what?

It forms an octet / stable electronic configuration

How would the variety of the organic compounds be different if carbon had seven electrons in its outermost energy level instead of four?

A carbon atom has four electrons in it's outermost energy level. Most atoms become stable when their outermost energy level contains eight electrons. A carbon atom therefore readily forms four covalent bonds with the atoms of other elements.

What is the ion of magnesium?

Magnesium forms a 2+ ion by giving away its two outermost electrons.

Which bond forms by sharing electrons in the outermost shell?

The sharing of electrons between atoms forms a covalent bond. If electrons are donated from one atom to another to form a bond this would be an ionic bond.

Why carbon forms covalent bond?

Carbon forms covalent bond when it shared electrons with other atoms.

How many electrons are in a phosphorus Ion's outermost energy level?

Phosphorus forms P3- ion and it has 8 valence electrons (5 valence electrons from phosphorus and three from the charge).

Why do carbon always forms covalent bond?

Carbon has four valence electrons in its outermost orbit which indicate it need four further electrons to complete its valence according to octect rule. It is also not possible for Carbon to remove all of its four valence electrons for the same cause of obeying octect rule. Hence the only option left for carbon is make covalent bonds with another carbon or any other element whose electrons are available for making a covalent bond. That's why most of the compounds of carbon are covalent.

Why does carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding?

(a) the atomic no. of carbon is 6 which means that a nutral atom of carbon contains 6 electrons .so, the electronic confugration of carbon is 2 nd 4 since a corbon atom has 4 electrons in tis outermost cell ,so it should either lose 4 electrons or gain 4 electrons to achieve the inert gas electron configuration and become stable,its not possible to remove 4 electrons from a carbon atom,its not possible to add as many as 4 electrons to a carbon atom,,therefore carbon atoms can achieve the inert gas electron arrangment only by the sharing of electrons,tthere fore ,carbon alwayz forms covalent bonds,,.