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Early morning when temp. changes.

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Q: When does fog usually form in inlets or bays?
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When does fog usually form in inlets bays?


When does fog usually form inlets and bays?

in the morning or evening when the temperature changes

When does fog usually form in inlets?


When does fog form in inlets and bays?

Fogs are usually formed in the early mornings or evenings or every time the temperature changes. It is formed due to the sudden drop of temperature below due point.

When does fog usually form in inlets and bay?

in the morning or evening when the temperature changes

When does fog usually in inlets and bay?

in the morning or evening when the temperature changes

How is fog tracked?

Fog is usually tracked by taking readings of temperature and humidity. Fog can sometimes be spotty but usually can be predicted with great accuracy.

Why does fog not form in summers?

Fog can form during summer, depending on where you are. It depends on where you are located geographically. You may be in a location where fog forms very rarely.

Why does fog form on your mirror?

Due to the difference in the temperature, the molecules form a layer on the mirror ! That is what we call Fog !

What type of fog usually forms over rivers and lakes?

Steam fog

What do you call water when it becomes gas?

Steam (clear), or water vapor (usually in the form of a whitish fog-like cloud or stream).

What fog forms in valleys at night?

The type of fog that forms in valleys at night is Radiation Fog. It usually does not last long after sunrise.