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Peter was not canonized. He was proclaimed a saint by early Christians because of his martyrdom about the year 64 AD.. The canonization process did not come into existence until the 12th century. In the primitive Church, martyrs were immediately recognized as witnessing to the perfection of Christian life on earth, having shown the ultimate proof of their love for Christ by the offering of their lives. By the sacrifice of their lives for Christ, they attained Heaven in eternal glory and were indissolubly united to the Lord, the Head of the Mystical Body.

Today only the pope can declare saints after years of study by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. The church does not create saints. Only God can do that. The Church "screens" candidates for sainthood to determine if they had a life worthy of emulation. In other words, do they make good role models. Also, the Church has to be assured that the person is actually in Heaven. That is the reason that today a number of miracles must be verified before a person can be declared a saint.

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