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Homeostasis is how a physical environment keeps itself stable. One organism that helps maintain homeostasis is the presence of algae.

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Q: Whats one specific living organism maintains homeostasis?
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What is the difference between organism and homeostasis?

An organism is any living organism. Homeostasis is when things are left at status quo.

One characteristic of all living organism is that they?

All living organisms maintain homeostasis.

Are daffodils alive?

The definition of "alive" is something tha reacts to stimuli, maintains homeostasis, grows and reproduces. Even when a daffodil is in the dormant state, it is a living organism, so YES daffodils are alive.

What organisms need these processes to living?

Every organism must maintain homeostasis as long as it lives to survive.

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Which organisms keep their internal conditions fairly constant?

almost every living organism uses homeostasis to do this

What is neede to give living things energy?

Food containing nourishments that are essential for the specific living organism.

What four things is an organism made up of in order for it to survive?

The organism needs food, water, homeostasis (body temperature is healthy) and living space.

What are the characteristics of living organism?

Yea its deff. stimulus maintains, homostasis, matabolism, growth, cell communication and reproduction.

Why is homeostosis important to organism?

Homeostasis is important to an organism because it is the correct living environment for that organism to live in. The human body need to stay at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, with a pH around 7.4 in most areas, and have even breathing in order for it to survive. Homeostasis allows this to happen.

What is the genus and species of a living or an extinct organism?

The genus and species of a living or an extinct organism is the category that an organism is classified in. This also gives organisms specific names used for binomial nomenclature.

What are some types of organisms?

An organism is a any living thing such as a human or a plant that is independent in reproducing, is able to maintain homeostasis, and have and maintain Cells.