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electricity was never invented. it has always been there. it is said that Benjamin Franklin discoved electricity. if he didnt dicover it there would be no electronics although some1 else would probably discover it

AnswerElectricity was identified as synonymous with lightning by Franklin, who did several experiments with it. Further, Franklin did not "invent" it; no one did. It was a known energy force quite awhile before his experiments.

Electricity itself--the motion of electrons--is an inherent property of every material in the universe. Without it, the universe as we know it would not exist.

Also, we wouldn't have all those awesome Video Games, TV, and computer. :(:(:(

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Q: What would be different if electricity was never discovered?
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What did Sir Isaac Newton do that was so special?

He discovered and invented different amazing stuffs that we would have never know about...he was a intelligent scientist who help to discover mystery of this world. He gave the law of gravity

When was electricity created?

Although, electricity was not explicitly discovered, it was known that iodestone posessed magnetic properties, and when amber and jet were rubbed together, it attracted things (static electricity). In 1600 English scientist William Gilbert made a careful study of electricity and magnetism and coined the term electricus which further evolved in to electric and electricity. In June 1752 , Benjamin Franklin conducted first experiment in which he attached a metal key to the bottom of a dampened kite string and flown the kite in a storm-threatened sky. The ancient greeks knew of static electricity. Electricity as we know it was discovered and studied by various scientists in the 1700s.

How would a school be without electricity?

that would be it would be dark

What if there was no electricity?

if there wasn't then you wouldn't be on the computer or tv right now, or on anything electricalOh, the world would be a different place. Without electricity, we wouldn't have a lot of our modern technology: planes, automobiles, computers, lights, etc. We'd probably be looking towards another source for energy.

What is a good title for a science project about static electricity?

I would suggest "shocking science" as a title for a project about static electricity.

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How would the society be different if electricity had never been discovered?

If electricity had never been discovered, we would be living in houses with candle lighting. Also, life would be all work, no play. Everyone around you would be covered in mud, dirt, and those little spikes that look like mini Venice fly traps in the grass.

Who was the first to invent electricity?

No one invented electricity. However if you are asking who discovered and proved electricity, this would be Benjamin Franklin.

Is Electricity the greatest invention?

no that would have to be transportation. we could easily live without electricity. just make a fire and cook your food over that

What if antarctica wasn't discovered?

We would have never discovered emperor penguins, and we would still be a bit confused of how global warming is affecting us today, and we would have never discovered the deep sea species that live in Antarctica, etc.

What is one thing that never got discovered about the American Revolutionary War?

if it never got would anyone know to be able to answer that?

What is the name of the person who discovered electricity?

Contrary to popular belief, electricity was not discovered by Benjamin Franklin. Franklin may have done experiments with electricity, however it was a well known phenomenon long before Franklin entered the picture.Unfortunately, the name of the person who discovered electricity is forever lost to history, prehistory actually. There is evidence and speculation that the ancient Egyptians may have used various forms of wet cell batteries, and the debate rolls on over the purpose and use of the Baghdad Batteries. Both predate Franklin and contemporary uses of electricity by 1.5 to 3 millennia.Another AnswerNo-one 'discovered' electricity. Our present knowledge of electricity is the accumulation of the work of thousands of scientists over several centuries.

Was there electricity in the 1800s?

No there wasnt 2nd Answer: Of course there was electricity. Static electricity, lightning, and so on. Lightning strikes often started dry wood on fire . . . the people would pick up burning pieces of wood, and save them in a certain way to start campfires later on.

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What country first used electricity?

seeing how Benjamin Franklin discovered it I would go with united stats

What happens if there where no electicty?

Since electricity is an intrinsic part of the universe it would be just a matter of time before it was discovered.

What is Benjamin Franklin use to discover electricity?

Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity. He performed many experiments with electricity, but saying that he "discovered" it is like saying that Charles Lindbergh discovered the airplane. Bad analogy. An airplane is man-made. Electricity is a natural phenomenon which, like the magnetic field or atomic structure, can be discovered. For a man-made object on the other hand, the proper verb would be "invent" - Lindberg of course did not invent the airplane but someone did. No one "invented" electricity, but the phenomenon was unrecognized until someone, or a series of persons, discovered its existence.

Why was electricity invented?

It wasn't invented. It was discovered. It was discovered because people are curious about the world around them.See this question for more information:[ discovered electricity and when?]