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There are many words that start with a ph, but sounds like an "f" sound. For instance: phantom, phone, philanthropy, philosophy, phlegm, phobia, phosphate, photo, physical, physics, phytoplankton

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Q: What words start with pH but sound like a f?
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What are Ph words that sound like f?

'Sound like F' Ph WordsSome words that are spelled with a pH that sounds like an f are: pharmacyphenolphialphlebotomyphonephrasephysical

What is the pH sound?

The "ph" sound is a digraph, which is a combination of two letters that represent a single sound. In words like "phone" or "photo," the "ph" sound is pronounced as an "f."

What 5 words start with pH and end in pH?

There are no common English words that start with "pH" and end with "pH."

What are some words PH sound?


What is the sound produced by the words with pH?

The letters "ph" usually sound like "f." For example, the word "laugh" sounds like /laf/; the word "rough" sounds like /ruf/. Sometimes the letters are written together but belong to two different syllables, in which case they sound like "p" and "h." Example: haphazard

In what words does f sound like v?

In words like "of" and "safety," the letter f is pronounced like the letter v.

What is the name of a string of words start with pH?


How do you spell dolphin?

Because the word comes from the Greek word delphis, and like many Greek words, the "ph" is commonly used for the "f" sound.

When does pH sound f in a words?

They are usually Greek words: amphitheatre, photo, amphora

What are some things in ancient Greece that start with f?

Nothing in ancient greek starts with an "f". Tyhe Greeks had no letter "f", instead they had "phi" which is like the "pH" sound at the beginning of "philosophy". Many words begun with "pH" Love - philos fear - phobos light - photos

How do you say phone in the US?

the pH forms an f sound, like fone

What other words that have pH?

Hundreds of words start with the letters ph. A few of those words include phantom, pharaoh, pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacy, phase, phenomenal, philter, phlox, phoenix and phone.