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Q: What uses action and emotion to entertain?
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How does Picasso show the emotion?

uses a smile

Is flinching an emotion?

Flinching is not an emotion. A flinch is a bodily action, often times involuntary, that may be linked to an emotion, such as fear or anger. A flinch in itself, however, is not an emotion.

Is shame an emotion?

Yes, shyness is an emotion where you feel anxiety, fright or nervousness and just don't want to show or display yourself. An example of this is stage fright, where you are too nervous to go and perform or entertain on stage.

Is payback an emotion?

No, payback is not an emotion. It is typically associated with seeking revenge or retribution for a perceived wrongdoing, but it is a behavior or action rather than an emotion.

How do you use the word entertaining in a sentence?

The word 'entertain' is a verb, a word for an action. Example:Mayzie will entertain you with her rendition of "Let Me Entertain You".

When work is produce?

The Work will Produce By an action or an emotion

What is the definition of a music artist?

A person who uses music to entertain others.

What are the uses of music in the world?

To entertain, soothe, calm, relax, cheer and whatever you feel it does to you!

What type of sentence conveys strong emotion and uses an exclamation point?

An exclamatory sentence conveys strong emotion and typically uses an exclamation point at the end to express excitement, surprise, or emphasis.

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How does Dan pink use media to entertain his audience?

It uses cartoon drawing to emphasize ideas. Apex.