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Cinder cone

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Q: What type of volcano is made up of only pyroclastic material that results from violent eruption?
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Did mount Fuji have a quiet or violent eruption?

Mt Fuji was pyroclastic flow in 1707-1708[ its last eruption ] their for it was a violent eruption.

Which volcanic material would most likely be produced by a violent eruption?

Pyroclastic material would be produced by a violent eruption of a volcano. Pyroclasts are gases in highly viscous magma which expand as they explode pulverized rock up through the vent.

Does a pyroclastic flow typically occur during a quiet or loud eruption?

Pyroclastic flow typically occurs during a violent eruption.

What is magma and fragments of rock that are ejected into the atmosphere during a violent volcanic eruption?

Pyroclastic Material; I got all the other matching questions and it was the only one left so therefore it is right.

Is pyroclastic material likely to form from low-viscosity or high-viscosity lava?

low viscosity lava due to the violent eruption of the volcano

Only the most violent volcanic eruption feature?

Only the most violent volcanic eruptions feature a pyroclastic flow.

Is pyroclastic material likely to form from low-viscosity lava or high-viscosity lava?

you eat my butt

Which volcao results in a violent eruption?

its the composite cone volcano?

A type of mudflow associated with violent eruptions?

A lahar is type of mudflow associated with violent eruptions. It is composed of a slurry of pyroclastic material, water and rocky debris.

Is this correct pyroclastic flows from composite cone volcanoes are known as calderas?

No. They are simply called pyroclastic flows. A caldera is a depression formed in the ground when a volcano, usually a composite volcano, collapses as the magma chamber partially empties during an especially violent eruption.

Does Lava flow faster from a violent volcano?

A violent volcanic eruption will produce pyroclastic flows, which are somewhat like avalanches of hot ash and rock, rather than lava flows. Pyroclastic flows are faster than any lava flow. When they erupt effusively, though, the lava is so viscous that it flows very slowly.

Why are there quiet eruptions and violent eruptions?

A Quiet eruption is one in which no rock or material is erupted from the crater , A violent is one where huge load explosion/ eruption throwing Rocks/ Scoria /Steam /Ash from the vent.May be Lahar as well