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Q: What type of energy uses the photoelectric effect?
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Related questions

What are the uses of photoelectric effect?

Solar panels, night vision scopes, medical imaging to name a few.

What type of energy uses photoelectric effect?


What type of energy does computers use?

The type of energy a computer uses is electricty.

What type of energy does calculators use?

That depends on the type of calculator you are referring to. An abacus uses mechanical energy An electronic calculator uses electrical energy A brain doing mental arithmetic uses chemical energy

What is radioisotopes potassium-40 and its uses?

is used in photoelectric cells.

What type of energy does a TV?

It uses electrical energy,mechanical energy.

What type of energy is an automobile?

An automobile IS not energy; it merely USES energy.

What type of energy is a slinky?

kenetic energy is the type that is used when it moves but it is not energy but it uses it as all things do

When a battery is in use it uses what type of energy?

Chemical energy.

What type of energy does an alarm clock use?

it uses sound energy

What type of energy source uses earth's heat?

Geothermal energy

What type of energy do pencils use?

The pencil uses Thermal energy