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The type of chemical reaction that connects polymers together is dehydration synthesis.

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Q: What type of chemical reaction connects polymers together?
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Related questions

What is the term for the chemical reaction that joins the monomers of polymers together?

Dehydration synthesis or condensation

What type fo chemical reaction occurs when polymers are broken apart by water?

they bond together

What is the chemical reaction by which monomers are linked together to form polymers?

This type of reaction is named polymerization.

What mean polymerise?

Polymers are chemical substances which are made up from smaller units, called monomers. The reaction of joining these monomers to form this larger unit is called polymerisation. (monomers polymerise into polymers). The subunits, or polymers, are typical of the chemical substances. For example, the monomers of proteins are amino acids, monomers of carbohydrates are monosaccharides, monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides. The reaction itself, by what these monomers are joining together, is a dehydration or condensation reaction.

Is putting acid and metal together a chemical reaction or combustion?

chemical reaction

What can you mix to get a chemical reaction?

You can get a chemical reaction by mixing baking powder and vinegar together.

Is picking up iron filings with a magnet a chemical reaction?

No, a chemical reaction is when the atoms are not mixed together but chemical bonded together. You know when a chemical reaction has happened when you can smell, hear or see things reacting.

When monomers combine they form what?

Monomers hook up to form polymers. There is a link below that will lead you to the Wikipedia post on polymers.Water is also produced, this is a condensation reaction.

What products can be made from chemical reaction calcium oxide and water?

The products of making a chemical reaction is bakingsoda and vinger.Mix them together then you have a chemicle reaction

What do you call two or more different kinds of atoms joined together by a chemical reaction?

When more than one atom is joined together by a chemical reaction, the result is called a chemical bond which holds together molecules and the strength of the bond depends on the atoms or the reaction. ---------------------------- A molecule.

Which chemical reaction has to do with putting things together?


What reaction causes a polymer?

A reaction that results in the synthesis of polymers from a quantity of a single corresponding monomer is usually called "polymerization", and if there are two or more monomers that can combine with themselves as well as with each other, the reaction is better called "copolymerization". However, if there is more than one monomer and the chemical nature of the polymerization requires that the monomers alternate with each other, as in phenol-formaldehyde resins, the reaction is usually called a "condensation" reaction. It is also possible to synthesize polymers by reacting a different polymer, as in "polyvinylalcohol", which is made by hydrolyzing a polyvinyl ester, since the notional "vinyl alcohol" monomer is too unstable to use directly.