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Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

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Q: What type of RNA has neither anticodons or codons?
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Where are codons and anticpdpns found?

Codons are found on messenger RNA, while anticodons are found on transfer RNA

In protein synthesis the anticodons are found on the?

Anti-codons are found on the t [transfer] -Rna's, as well as in all [nuclear] transcription and translation events.

Which type of RNA contains codons?

Messenger RNA (mRNA). Transfer RNA (tRNA) contains anti-codons.

Which type of RNA contains the codon?

Messenger RNA, or mRNA contains the codons. tRNA (transfer RNA) contains the anti-codons which bond to the codons of the mRNA. Amino acids are attached to the tRNA and form polypeptides based on the codons on the mRNA.

What is the difference between mRNA and tRNA?

mRNA is the RNA that carries information during transcription and translation. It has codons, which match up with the anticodons on tRNA. tRNA is the RNA that bonds to amino acids and transfers them to ribosomes, and mRNA.

What the difference between mRNA and tRNA?

mRNA is the RNA that carries information during transcription and translation. It has codons, which match up with the anticodons on tRNA. tRNA is the RNA that bonds to amino acids and transfers them to ribosomes, and mRNA.

What is rRNA?

Ribosomal ribonucleic (rRNA) is RNA that forms part of ribosomes. rRNA plays a role in translation, in which mRNA's codons and tRNA's anticodons are used to build a protein.

Does tRNA have anti-codons?

"The mechanism in which a release factor recognizes a stop codon is still unknown." Since anticodons are normally on the complementary tRNA. (The tRNA is what 'reads' the codons on the mRNA and ferries in the corresponding amino acid.) During translation stop codons are recognized by "release factors" that bind to the A-site on the ribosomes during translation.

How are condons and anticondos relatied?

Codons (note one "n") are found on messenger RNA and are regarded as "positive-sense," while anticodons are found on transfer RNA (molecules that bring amino acids to a growing polypeptide chain) and are regarded as "negative-sense."

Where does the lining up of a codon and an anticodon take place?

A codon is a three-base sequence (three nitrogen bases in a row) on mRNA. It calls for a specific amino acid to be brought to the growing polypeptide.An anticodon is a three-base sequence on tRNA. It matches the codon. That's how the right amino acid is put onto the polypeptide next. The tRNA must fit its anticodon onto the mRNA codon like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Each tRNA can only bring one kind of amino acid.

When a protein forms from amino acids the following changes apply?

+ h, - s, + g

What type of RNA binds to codons and thus position attached amino acids in the correct order?

Transfer RNA, or tRNA.