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An egg is one such thing.

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Q: What things will float in salt water and not in fresh water?
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Why do boats float better in salt water rather than fresh water?

Boats float better in salt water because salt water is denser than fresh water. The higher salinity of salt water increases the buoyant force that supports the boat, making it easier for the boat to float. In comparison, fresh water has a lower density, resulting in less buoyancy and potentially making it more difficult for boats to float.

Why do some things float in salt water but not in fresh water?

Because salt water can carry more objects than fresh water because the salt in the water makes the water heavier, and because fresh water has nothing in it so it's less heavier. Water cannot carry something heavier than itself. This heaviness is called density, and is the mass of the water in a particular volume of water. Pure fresh water has a density of 1g/mL, which means each milliliter of water has a mass of 1 gram. Anything that has a density greater than 1g/mL will sink in fresh water. The density of salt water is greater than 1g/mL, so anything that has a density less than the salt water will float on it, including fresh water.

Why a grape didn't float in fresh water and why a grape didn't sink in salt water?

Salt water is much denser than fresh water and therefore can provide a much greater buoyant force.

Can an egg float better with salt?

An egg will sink in fresh water. Salt water is denser than fresh water, which allows the egg to float.

Why can we float easier in the sea than in a freshwater lake?

The density of salt water is higher than fresh water.

Related questions

Does objects that float in water float in salt water?

Yes. Salt water has a slightly higher density then fresh water which means its a little easier for things to float in salt water. So if it floats in fresh water it will certainly float in salt water.

Why do things float in salt water but not salt water?

Salt water is denser than fresh (not salt) water.

Why do things float easier on salt water than fresh water?


Why does salt water make stuff float than fresh water?

Salt water has a greater density than fresh water. So the same object will foat higher in salt water than in fresh, and some things will foat in salt water that are too dense to float in fresh water.

If you float in salt water what will you do in fresh water?

If you just barely float in salt water, you will sink in fresh water.

Is it eaiser to float in salt water than fresh water?

It is easier to float in salt water than in fresh water.

What can float in salt water but sink in fresh water?

i think it is ppeople because they float in salt water and sink in fresh water.

Dose a swimmer float better in fresh salt water or non fresh salt water?

on fresh salt water

Does salt water float over fresh water?

no< fresh water will become mixed with the salt water

Will an egg float in salt water or tap water?

Eggs float in salt water but not in tap water, which is a fresh water. This is because salt water is more dense than fresh water.

Do objects float the same in salt water and fresh water?

objects float better because chemicals help make the objects float higher. the more salt the higher the things go

How do objects float differently in salt water than in fresh water?

the salt makes the water denser then the fresh water so it is easyer to float in.