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Q: What supplies energy used to synthesize carbohydrates during the Calvin cycle?
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During photosynthesis the series of reactions that create the complex carbohydrates needed for energy and growth is called?

calvin cycle

What molecules supply the carbon component of carbohydrates during the Calvin cycle?

molecules of CO2

What is the signification of ATP and NADPH?

Both are energy rich compounds generated during light reaction of photosynthesis and help in transfer of energy to synthesize the carbohydrates.

What events occur during the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin Cycle has 3 series of reactions. They are Carbon Dioxide fixation, Carbon dioxide reduction, and regeneration of the first substrate RuBP ( ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate). It also produces ATP. Glucose is its outcome which is G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate).

How many pgal molecules can there be during the Calvin cycle?

There can be up to 12 PGAL molecules during the Calvin cycle

The process of fixing carbon dioxide into carbohydrates occurs in the what process?

Photosynthesis is where plants convert energy from the sun into chemical energy. The process of fixing carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate occurs during the Calvin Cycle stage of photosynthesis.

Who was a french Calvinists during the renaissance and Reformation?

John Calvin was a French Calvinist during the Reformation.

Where are carbohydrates stored in the body and in what form?

Carbohydrates are used to provide a ready source of cellular fuel. Glucose is broken down and oxidized within cell. During this chemical reaction electrons are transferred. This relocation releases the bond energy stored in glucose and is used to synthesize ATP, carbs are then converted to GLYCOGEN or fat and stored. (They are stored in the fat as glycogen)

What gas is fixed by the plant during Calvin cycle?

carbon dioxide is used in the Calvin cycle.

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PGAL is synthesized during?

Pgal is synthesized during the calvin cycle

What happens during the Calvin Benson cycle?

during Calvin Benson cycle carbon dioxide from the air is used to produce glucose and other compounds.