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State governments came to depend on the federal government for financial

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Ophelia Schneider

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3y ago
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Q: What statement best describes how federalism changed as a result of the Great Depression (apex).?
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What statement best describes how federalism changed as a result of Ronald Reagan's presidency?

State were allowed to take a more active role in their own affairs.

Which statement best describes how federalism changed as a result of president Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program?

Federal funding of these programs allow the federal government to direct States in administrating them.

What statement best describes how federalism changed as a result of the Great Depression?

state government came to depend on federal money to help them financially during a crisis (apex )

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It has gradually made responsibilities of the state and federal government more separate (apex)

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Federalism is the system of the government. A good sentence would be, the politics of federalism in the United States are being changed.

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The map of Europe had changed significantly because many nations' borders had changed.

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The Civil War

What best describes how federalism changed as a result of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs?

Federal funding of these programs allowed the federal government to direct states in administering them.-Apex

What statement accurately analysis how federalism has changed over time in the US?

The federal government has taken a more active role in areas once controlled by the states.

Which statement describes how the Welsh economy changed in the late 1990s?

After unemployment rose, foreign investment brought industries to Wales. >GRADPOINT

The nature of federalism has changed over time with new demands that have tended toward a system where the state and national governments share many responsibilities?

cooperative federalism

Which statement accurately analyzes how federalism has changed over time in the United States?

States have come to depend more on federal funding and intervention in the state affairs