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Nicki wears a size 5

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12y ago

Nicki Minaj wears a size 5 in shoes

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Q: What size shoe does Nicki Minaj wear?
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HELL YEA!! :-) check youtube the video bed by young money Nicki minaj is in diff

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To dress crazy but cute and have confidence in what you wear and match a bunch of colors

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Fast Dry Nail Polish

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No way does she who would be so dumb to right in that quisten

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i want those all pink shoes dat she had gave to her couszin so badly by da way Nicki i want to Be like u when i grow up so badly to

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nicki minaj is so cool i love her songs so much . i dont see why some poeple dont like her she is the best and drake is 2 . i have her barbie neacklace 2 and i wear it everyday to school . i will never 4get her as well . i hope nicki minaj can see this i wish i can meet her made by angelica lopez

If you wear a size 5.5 in men's shoe what size should you wear in a women's shoe?

A 7.5