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Q: What should you do if you put bleach in your mouth?
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Is bleach good for a mouth sore?

No! Do not put any bleach in your mouth it is very dangerous.

If you accidentally spill bleach and your baby touched it with his hand can it harm him?

As long as the baby did not put their hand in their mouth, it is fine. You should wash your babies hand as soon as you can.

How much bleach should be put in 1500 gallon water tank to keep clean?

You should never put bleach in water to keep it clean. You can not drink water with bleach and it and any other living thing in it will die.

What happens when you use bleach while taking a mouth swab?

Dude, do NOT rinse your mouth out with bleach no matter what your buddies tell you. You won't get rid of the THC. You will get popped for bleach--it's called adulteration and they're REAL fussy about it; no one drinks bleach unless they're trying to beat a drug test and listening to their buddies And you'll injure yourself badly.

How do you get rid of the wig worm that leaves a patch a your skin?

put bleach on it. the bleach will dry it out and it should be gone in a couple of days.

How should a girl react to a erection?

She should put it in her mouth.

Will bleach hurt you if you put it in your hair?

It will not hurt as long as it is on the hair. You should not touch the scalp or your hands with it as it will burn and you should never use household bleach because your hair will dissolve in it.

How do you treat mold in a house?

You can kill mold with bleach. You should wear a mask so the mold spores don't get into your nose or mouth.

Which putting bleach in your mouth pass you on a cheek swab drug test?

Putting bleach in your mouth will cause severe chemical burns and it could kill you. Please don't do this.

How to bleach dark hair blonde?

You put it in bleach

Can you add a drop of Clorox in puppy's water?

Could you put a drop of Clorox bleach in your own drinking water? yes, it's technically possible. However, it should not be done. Bleach is poisonous. Cleaning a puppy's water bowl with bleach is acceptable, as long as the bleach evaporates (dries) before water is put in.

How much bleach should you put in a kiddy pool for cleaning?

None. That is extremely unhealthy to your child.