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Q: What piece of apparatus would you use to change elastic potential energy into kinetic energy?
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When the brick held on hands is shifted down to break the rod change is from potential to kinetic or kinetic to heat?

The change is from potential energy to kinetic energy.

How is potential energy change to kinetic energy?

potential energy is changed to kinetic energy when you push.

How Work related to potential ang kinetic energy?

Work is the change in kinetic energy and the change in potential energy. W=∆KE W=∆PE

When Bruce lets go of the weight what happens to its energy?

When an object falls down, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

How does potential change into kinetic?

Usually by allowing an object to fall.

How is the potential energy stored in the spring of a clock it change into kinetic?

The spring is wound tighter, this stores the potential energy. The spring unwinding turns the potential energy into kinetic energy.

When you climb a rope you change what energy into what energy?

you change potential energy into kinetic energy.

How does the sum of Kinetic and gravitational Potential energy change?

The answer depends on the situation. For example, the sum of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of an aircraft which is taking off will increase.

What device can change kinetic energy into potential energy?

Any ramp can.

How does energy change as objects move?

Moving objects do not change, in general, the energy of the system. It depends, of course, of the different energies which are related with the problem. Suppose that we only have kinetic energy. If the velocity of an object is constant, the total energy is then constant too. Only if there is a change in the velocity we have a change in the energy. Potential energies depends on the exact form of them. For elastic forces, for example, there is a change of the total energy with the position across the expression U = kx2. But there are other ones which do not depend on the position, so they do not change total energy. When objects are at rest their kinetic energy is zero while their potential energy is maximum.As they start moving their potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at every moment during motion. Just before coming to rest again their kinetic energy is maximum and potential energy is zero.This process continues like this.

How do you find kinetic energy if no final velocity is given?

Kinetic energy is equal to potential energy during the change

How can stored energy change into active moving energy?

Stored energy can change into moving energy by transfering energy from potential energy to kinetic energy