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the pupil

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Q: What part of the eye is sensitive to dim light?
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Which part of the eye is sensitive to light?

The retina at the back of the eye is light-sensitive.

What part of the eye that is sensitive from the light?


What part of the eye is Light sensitive?

The retina at the back of the eye is light-sensitive

Receptor found only in the eye?

photosensitive receptor.cones and rods.cones work in bright light and are sensitive to colours whereas rods work in dim light and are not sensitive to colours

What is the major function of rods in the eye?

The major function of Rods in the eye is that of Photo (light) reception. They are more sensitive to light thn are the cones, but are not color sensitive,The rods are photo receptor cells found in the retina. Their main function is to help the eye see in dim light.

What part of eye makes the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light?


Is human eye sensitive to red light?

yes the human eye is sensitive to red light

Is the human retina is sensitive to ultraviolet light?

the lens is the most sensitive part of the eye. the retina can become damaged when there is an excessive ultraviolet light exposed.

Why do eyes need bright and dim light?

Eyes do not need bright and dim light - although the iris (colored part of the eye) and pupil (black center of the eye) function differently under these circumstances. In bright light, the muscles in the iris contract to make the pupil smaller. In dim light, the iris makes the pupil enlarge to allow as much of the scarce light as possible.

What is the name of organ at the back of your eye which is light sensitive?

Retina is the layer of light sensitive cells at the back of your eye

What receptor of the eye functions best in dim light?

rod ;)

What part of the eye responds to color?

The eye contains 2 types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. Rods are sensitive to light and dark changes, shapes and movement, whereas cones are sensitive to color.