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endoplasmic reticulum.

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endoplasmic reticulum

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Q: What part of the cell serves as the intracellular highway?
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What part of the cell serves as the intracellular?

endoplasmic reticulum.

What is the Difference between intracellular enzyme and extracellular enzyme?

An intracellular enzyme reacts inside the cell body while the extracellular enzyme affects the outside part of the cell.

What part of the cell is a membranous system involved in intracellular transport of proteins?

the cell will die and bleed out.

What part of the cell is like highway?

The endoplamic reticlum (ER) is called "The highway

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Which part of the cell serves as the power center?

It is the mitochondria. It power up the cell.

What part serves as a high way inside cell?

Endoplasmic Retticulum

What part of the cell serves to process package and ship protein?

The Golgi Apparatus.

What part of the cell provides and maintains the shape of the cell and serves ass a protective barrier?

Cell Wall. Done with your homework yet?

What is in the endoplasmic reticulum?

it is the part of the cell that is known as the tubular highway or transportation system.

Difference between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?

Cytoplasm is the inner part of the cell or its the contents of the cell, which is surrounded by plasma membrane. While extracellular fluid is the fluid located outside of the cells and divided into 1.plasma in the blood vessel. 2.interstitial fluid between the cells.

What is the function of endoplasmic reticulum of a plant cell?

Endoplasmic ReticulumCarry problems and other materials from a part of a cell to another. Example: A highway