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Q: What organism is responsible for gram positive rods in unheated hot dog?
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Related questions

What does a negative result for a spore stain indicate about the organism?

A negative result for the spores stain indicate that the gram-negative organism is present. A positive result for a spore stain indicates that a gram positive organism is present.

Which is the Gram positive diplococci responsible for arthritis?

steptococcus pneumonae

Only gram positive organism name ending in 'ella?

Moryella indoligenes

What is the significance of an organism being Gram positive or negative?

It can determine the type of medication used to kill it.

Candida albicans gram positive or gram negative?

Gram positive !!

Is Entamoeba histolytica gram positive or gram negative?

Bacteria are gram positive and gram negative (which means if you apply Gram stain to them, they either pick up the color (positive) or they do not (negative). Entamoeba Hystolytica is not a bacteria, it is a protozoa (one celled organism) that usually causes diarrhea and can be diagnosed from a stool sample and treated with drugs.

Can all strains of gram positive organism cause abscesses low blood pressure and high fever?


What color are gram-negative organisms if you over-decolorized them?

If the Gram Stain is completed properly, gram positive should stain purple; however, if you over decolorize a gram positive organism, the organism will appear appear pink, which is a gram negative reaction. To summarize, if you over decolorize a gram positive organism it will show as a gram negative organism.

Is Staphylococcus saprophyticus gram positive or negative?

Yes. Staphylococci are classified as gram positive bacteria and appear as purple spheres when Gram stained.

Is tetanus gram positive or gram negative?

Gram positive rod

Is streptococcus pyogenes gram or gram?

i think is gram + It is gram positive, usually occurring in chains and pairs of gram positive cocci. It is also a beta hemolytic organism, meaning it will completely lyse RBC's in a zone around individual colonies. If you are using a Mannitol Salt agar medium, in this zone then it will be transparent.

What is the purpose of staining an unknown organism?

By doing differential stains on an unknown organism, you can learn more about that organism. One of the most helpful stains would be the Gram stain. The gram stain will differentiate from Gram positive and Gram negative cells, narrowing your bacteria down a lot. Other stains include: Acid-Fast stain, Capsule stain, Endospore stain, and PHB stain.