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seminal gland (seminal vesicle)

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Q: What organ produces a secretion that contains fructose prostaglandins and fibrinogen?
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Do the seminal vesicles secrete fibrinogen?

The seminal vesicles are convoluted pouch-like structures lying posterior to the base of the urinary bladder, in front of the rectum. They secrete an alkaline viscous fluid containing fructose, prostaglandins and fibrinogen that make up about 60% of the fluid volume of semen. Its alkaline pH helps to neutralize the acidic vaginal pH, and the fructose is used by the sperm to produce ATP. The prostaglandins enhance sperm motility, and fibrinogen, when activated, coagulates the semen to keep all the sperm cells from dispersing immediately after ejaculation.

The secretion of the seminal vesicles is rich in the monosaccharide called?

It is rich in fructose.

Which gland produces 60 percent of seminal fluid volume including fructose and prostaglandins?

the seminal vesicles

What do the seminal vesicles contribute to sperm as nourishment?

The thick secretions from the seminal vesicles contain proteins, enzymes, fructose, mucus, vitamin C, flavins, phosphorylcholine and prostaglandins. The high fructose concentrations provide nutrient energy for the spermatozoa.

How are refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup different?

High fructose corn syrup contains more fructose than refined sugar.

What an example of a food that contains a fructose sugar is?

fruit :)

Does honey have fructose?

Yes, honey has fructose. On average, liquid honey contains about 38% fructose. It can also be used by food and beverage manufacturers in a dry form, which increases the fructose percentage to about 48%.

Do pears have sugar?

Yes, it contains glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What type of sugar is in honey?

Honey contains primarily Glucose and Fructose.

What is chemical equations of honey?

Honey contains mostly Fructose and Glucose (with some other sugars and water). Fructose - C6H12O6 Glucose - C6H12O6

What is the difference between fructose and glucose?

glucose contains aldehydic group where as fructose contains ketonic group. CHO-(CHOH)4-CH2OH - glucose CHOH-CO-(CHOH)3-CH2OH - fructose

Is Coca-Cola bad for gout?

Yes , it is very bad!! Anything that contains high levels of fructose (such as high-fructose corn syrup) is bad for gout.