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Q: What organ excretes the largest amount of water per day?
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Which organ excretes water fat and various catabolic wastes?

The kidneys are responsible for excreting water, excess fats, and various catabolic wastes from the body through the production of urine.

Which organ uses sweat to excrete water salts and small amount of water?

The skin,is the organ that uses sweat to excrete water,salts,and a small amount of urea

What are five organs of excretion not including kidneys?

anus,eyes,ears,nose and genital. These excreted chhit/ feces,tears,dirt,nosy water etc. Skin also sweat.

Does fish breath with their gills?

Yes. Fish and many other aquatic organisms have gills. The gill is a respiratory organ that extracts dissolved oxygen from water and excretes carbon dioxide.

What organ removes excess water salts uric acids and chemicals from the blood?

Kidneys are the main organ, which excretes the salt from the body but then skin it hot tropical climate may loose large amount of salt through perspiration. Which may amount to one liter/ hour and may contain 3 grams/liter of salt in it.

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True or false the body excretes extra water through sweating and urinating?

The body excretes excess water through urination. It sweats to reduce the body temperature not to get rid of water.

How do you put organ in a sentence?

All the living organisms in the water died when I added to much bleach.

What hemisphere has the largest amount of water?

The southern one has.

What is the function of green glands in crayfish?

It excretes excess water.

What glands excretes excess salts and water?

sweat glands

Does Intracellular water account for the largest amount of water in the body?

i think so