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Part of the left lung and most of the heart.

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Q: What major organ is in the Left Upper Quadrant?
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What is the spongy organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen?

the spleen

The spleen is located in which abdominopelvic quadrant?

Left Hypochondriac quadrant

What is the medical abbreviation meaning left upper quadrant?

LUQ is the abbreviation for left upper quadrant.

What quadrant would a kidney stone in left ureter be in?

left upper quadrant

What quadrant does the liver occupies?

mostly the upper right partly in the upper left

What quadrant are the spleen and stomach in?

Upper left quadrant.

In which quadrant of the abdomen is the stomach?

Your stomach is mostly on your left side, in the upper part of your abdomen.

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What are nine abdominopelvic regions and the location of each?

the 9 abdominopelvic regions are: 1 epigastric - located in the right upper quadrant 2 right hypochondriac - located in the right upper quadrant 3 umbilical - located centrally in the right/left quadrant 4 right lumbar - located in right lower quadrant 5 hypogastric located in right lower quadrant 6 right iliac - located in right lower quadrant 7 left hypochondriac - left upper quadranrt 8 left lumbar - left lumbar - left lower quadrant 9 left iliac - left lower quadrant

What are the four quadrants?

Right and left upper quadrant and right and left lower quadrant

What are the signs of splenomegaly?

the splenomegaly is the enlargement of spleen; the spleen is a organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen( below the diaphragm and to the side of the stomach)

What quadrant is the liver is found in what quadrant?

upper right quad