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The kidneys maintain the pH and regulate water content in the blood. The kidneys also remove waste products and filter them into the bladder to be removed.

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Q: What maintains pH and regulates water content in the blood?
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The kidney is the organ that manages the water content of the blood. People typically have two.

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The hormone that regulates blood composition and blood volume by acting on the kidney is aldosterone. It is produced by the adrenal glands and helps to control the balance of water and electrolytes in the body by promoting the reabsorption of sodium and water in the kidneys.

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Maintain pH and regulate water content in the blood?

The kidneys play a key role in maintaining pH balance in the blood by regulating levels of acids and bases. They also help regulate water content in the blood through processes like reabsorption and excretion, ensuring that the body maintains proper hydration levels.