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Q: What light is converted into nerve impulses?
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How is light converted into nerve impulses?


Where are Sound Vibration Are Converted In To Nerve Impulses?

Sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses in the inner ear. The vibrations are detected by hair cells in the cochlea, which then stimulate the auditory nerve to send signals to the brain for processing and interpretation of sound.

What is retinal cancer?

Retinal cancer is a cancer that arises in the cells of the retina. The retina is the layer of cells in the back of the eye where light is converted to nerve impulses.

What Sound vibration are converted into nerve impulses in the?

In the ear, sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses in the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ that contains hair cells. These hair cells respond to the vibrations by sending electrical signals through the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are perceived as sound.

Where does the spinal nerve take nerve impulses?

the spinal nerve sends nerve impulses away from the CNS

Which part of the eye has cells that change light energy to nerve impulses?

The retina

Are Nerve impulses electrical signaled?

Nerve impulses are electrical signals.

What is the message called that a neuron carries?

nerve impulses

What nerve is a mixed cranial nerve that conducts sensory impulses from and motor impulses from and motor impulses to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

vagus nerve

What does Mv means in Nerve Impulses?

Nerve impulses are measured in MiliVolts (mv)

Do fish heads survive decapitation or is it just nerve impulses?

No, that is just nerve impulses

in vision, would occur when light from an object enters your eye and is converted to nerve impulses?

In vision, light from an object enters the eye and is focused by the lens onto the retina. The retina contains photoreceptor cells that convert light into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain processes these signals to form an image that we perceive.