Eivissenc is the native dialect of Catalan that is spoken on Ibiza. Spanish is also widely spoken, as well as English and German.
Ibiza is a Spanish Island where they speak the native language of Catalan and the Official language of Spanish, however in the tourist areas English and other European languages are spoken to accommodate the large tourist trade.
Spanish is spoken in all cities in Spain.
Basque, Aranese, and Galician are all languages spoken in Spain.
Most of the languages of the world are not spoken in Spain, including:AfrikaansBulgarianCherokeeDanishEstonianFinnishGreekHawaiianIgboJapaneseKoreanLatvianMacedonianNavajoOjibwePolishQuechuaRussianSamiTonganUrduVietnameseWelshXhosaYorubaZulu
Spanish is the most widely spoken language in Toledo.
The main languages spoken in southern Europe are Spanish in Spain, Italian in Italy, Greek in Greece, Portuguese in Portugal, and Catalan in parts of Spain. There are also regional languages and dialects spoken, such as Basque in Spain and Sardinian in Italy.
The main language spoken in Segovia, Spain is Spanish. However, due to its tourism and international presence, you may also hear English and other languages spoken in the city.
Spanish (the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain)
The official language of Spain is Spanish (Castilian). Other languages spoken in specific regions include Catalan, Galician, and Basque.
The language that speakers of English call Spanish is called Castillano, or Castillian, in Spain. While that language is spoken throughout Spain, there are regions where other languages predominate, or are making a return. Catalan is spoken in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Valencian is spoken in the Valencian Community, Galician is spoken in Galicia, and Basque is spoken in the Basque Country and Navarre. Except for Basque, they are all closely related languages, when looked at from outside. If you look at a map of Spain, that makes up the borders and coasts along the North and East of the country.
Ibiza is part of Spain.