In Copenhagen, Denmark Danish is the official language, but they also speak English, French, and German.
We speak Danish in Denmark and therefore also in Copenhagen, but you can expect people to understand English as well.
The main language spoken in Copenhagen, Denmark is Danish. However, English is widely spoken and understood, especially by younger generations and those working in the tourism industry. Additionally, some residents may also speak other languages such as German or French.
People in Copenhagen, as well as the rest of Denmark, speak Danish. Danish is the official language of Denmark and is widely spoken throughout the country.
Danish is spoken primarily in Denmark and is one of the official languages of the country. It is also spoken in the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Dansk is the Danish language. It is spoken in Denmark and is one of the official languages of the country.
Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.
Scandinavian languages are primarily spoken in the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, as well as parts of Finland and Iceland. These languages belong to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language family.
People in Copenhagen, as well as the rest of Denmark, speak Danish. Danish is the official language of Denmark and is widely spoken throughout the country.
Copenhagen is IN denmark! Copenhagen is the capital city of denmark
The capital city of Denmark is Copenhagen or København in Danish.Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark
Danish is spoken primarily in Denmark and is one of the official languages of the country. It is also spoken in the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
No, Copenhagen is in Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark.
It is the capital city of Denmark.
Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Denmark is a small country in the North of Europe.
Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark.
No, Copenhagen was and is in Denmark.
No. Copenhagen is in Denmark.
Copenhagen Denmark Temple was created in 2004.
Langeliniekajen 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark