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Q: What keeps hormone secretion in balance?
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Alcohol inhibits the secretion of what hormone?

Alcohol can inhibit the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin. ADH is produced in the hypothalamus and helps regulate the balance of water and electrolytes in the body by controlling water reabsorption in the kidneys.

What controls the secretion of growth hormone?

The pituitary gland controls the secretion of growth hormone.

What hormone suppresses spermatogenesis with out affecting testosterone secretion?

Inhibin is a hormone that specifically suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion. It is produced by the Sertoli cells in the testes and acts to inhibit the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland, which is necessary for sperm production. This helps to regulate the balance of hormones involved in male reproductive function.

What is the Medical terminology for man who keeps on growing?

Acromegaly is the medical term for abnormal secretion of growth hormone after puberty. This can result in abnormal growth.

What is the name of the hormone that promotes sodium retention and potassium secretion?

Aldosterone is the hormone responsible for promoting sodium retention and potassium secretion in the kidneys. It helps regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance in the body.

What causes post-puberty hypersecretion?

Sometimes, the pituitary gland keeps on secreting the triggering hormone. this causes post puberty hyper secretion.

What regulates growth through secretion of growth hormone?

Secretion of growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary is regulated by the neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus.

What does it mean if a hormone is a tropic hormone?

"Trophic" describes any hormone that controls the secretion of another hormone

What controls the secretion of the thyroid hormones?

The pitutary gland is what controls the secretion of the thyroid hormone.

What is another name for a hormone?

Endrocrine secretion

What is the process of hormone release called?


Which hormone stimulates the secretion of milk?
