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Nuclear fusion produces heat, and heat creates the pressure which keeps the star from collapsing under its own gravity. The relationship between heat and pressure in a gas is described by the Ideal Gas Laws. It also applies to plasma (which can be described as a super heated gas).

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Q: What keeps a star on the main sequence from collapsing?
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What is the process they generates energy into the core of the main sequence star?

Hydrogen fusion to make helium. When a star runs out of hydrogen in its core to fuse, it begins collapsing, leaves the main sequence, then ignites helium fusion to make carbon, becoming a red giant.

What do you call The balance of forces that keeps a star from collapsing?

Dynamic equilibrium.

Is a red giant star considered to be a main sequence star?

No. Red giants are not on the main sequence.

If a star was 150 solar masses what would its lifetime be?

A star that was 150 solar masses would spend the main part of its life as a main sequence star before collapsing into a white dwarf. A stars mass determines the life expectancy as well as its probable cause of death.

Does a red main sequence star have fusion?

A red main sequence star would be a red dwarf or a branch red giant. To be on the main sequence, you have to have hydrogen nuclear fusion.

Main sequence star distance from earth?

The sun is a main sequence star, so 1 AU.

Name an example of a main sequence?

The sun is a main sequence star

What is a stabilized star?

Main-Sequence star

Why is Sirius not a main sequence star?

Sirius is not a single star but a binary star system consisting of a white main sequence star and a white dwarf.

What category does a star belong in Main sequence star white dwarf red giant neutron star?

None of those is a main sequence star.

What is the main characteristic of a sequence star?

The defining characteristic of a main sequence star burns hydrogen to helium in its core.