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Plutonium hasn't natural isotopes.

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Q: What isotopes of plutonium are natural?
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Where is plutonium found in nature?

Natural isotopes of plutonium exist only in traces in uranium ores.

What contains plutonium?

Plutonium is an artificial element; traces (extremely low) of plutonium isotopes of natural origin exist in uranium ores. Plutonium is used in nuclear weapons and nuclear fuels.

How does plutonium occur in nature?

- Natural plutonium (plutonium isotopes 238, 239, 240, 244) exist in nature as extremely traces associated with uranium ores- Artificial isotopes of plutonium (the most important being Pu-239) have the origin in nuclear weapons tests

Why does plutonium not occur in natural ore deposits?

Plutonium occur in deposits of uranium ores but only in ultratraces. In the nature plutonium appear as a result of spontaneous natural fission of uranium isotopes a process with a very low cross section.

Is there radioactive plutonium?

All the isotopes of plutonium are radioactive.

Why does plutonium have a less mass than uranium?

The atomic mass of the most common isotope of plutonium (Pu-234) is higher than the masses of the uranium natural isotopes.

What do the nuclei of different plutonium isotopes have in common?

The nuclei of all plutonium isotopes contain the same number of protons.

Does plutonium have isotopes that are all radioactive?

All the uranium isotopes are radioactive.

Is plutonium-238 a liquid?

no. it is a solid isotope and is the least harmful of the plutonium isotopes.

Is plutonium a nonrenewable resource?

On long term, the useful isotopes of plutonium are not renewable.

Are all isotopes of plutonium radioactive?


Which element is most radioactive plutonium uranium or cerium?

All the isotopes of uranium and plutonium are radioactive; plutonium isotopes have a greater specific activity. For cerium: the isotopes 136Ce and 142Ce are possible to be radioactive but having very long half lives and a not significative radioactivity.