if you are a fresher then u can say that "as a fresher i would like to go with the companies pay structure"
Depends on country and health insurance.
If a employee then expectations for best salary and good working environment.
Vandalia likely handed over her entire salary to her mother out of a sense of duty and responsibility to support her family. It could be a cultural expectation or a decision made to help with her family's financial needs.
The amount of money an back up dancer can earn depends on who is paying the dancer for their talent. There is not a set salary for expectation for the dancer.
The meal did not meet the expectation.The expectation was rather low.
I assume this is a trick question, and the answer is "everything". If you expect it, it is your expectation and if it is your expectation, you expect it.
If you mean probabilistic expectation, the answer is no.
Yes. the conditional expectation of X given Y is simply the expectation of X if X and Y are uncorrelated. This is a consequence of one of the properties of conditional expectation.
Experiments in Expectation was created in 2001.
Our school's expectation this year is not to do to the principle's office.
The duration of The Greatest Expectation is 1.92 hours.
My expectations are much higher. You should do more hard work.