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Q: What is the type of research that combines both cross sectional and longitudinal research?
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What is a cross-sequential research study?

Cross sequential studies combine both longitudinal and cross sectional methods in an attempt to both shorten the length of the research and minimize developmental assumptions

What is a cross sequential research study?

Cross sequential studies combine both longitudinal and cross sectional methods in an attempt to both shorten the length of the research and minimize developmental assumptions

What is cross sequential?

A cross sequential design is a research method that combines both a longitudinal design and a cross-sectional design. A longitudinal design involves studying people throughout their years and can be pretty expensive and obviously, time consuming. The cross-sequential design involves studying many people with a common characteristic (such as all being in the same age group) at the same time. Combining these two methods shortens the time common of longitudinal studies and rule out cohort and developmental assumptions.

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What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study?

a longitudinal study and its topic is critiqued for quite a lenghty period of time. this study is undertaken by the researcher and lasts for years, so in saying this it is quite obvious that this is a study that is taken into the future. however, a cross sectional study critiques its research at something that has happened or occured at a specific point in time. it may be a person's experience or an event of some interest.

Longitudinal study versus cross-sectional study?

A longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study are methods of collecting scientific data. A longitudinal study is the method that gathers data on a subject for a particular period of time and the subject's response to particular variables. A cross-sectional study is where more than one subject is used for the collection of data at different points in time in response to particular variables. These types of studies are sometimes used to determine correlation.

What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and cross sectional study?

the cross-sectional study selects a sample that has all the age ranges the researchers are interested in verses one group that is followed throught time

What is the major difference between a longitudinal study and a cross sectional study?

the cross-sectional study selects a sample that has all the age ranges the researchers are interested in verses one group that is followed throught time

Advantages of cross-sectional research design?

Cross-sectional research design allows for data collection at a single point in time, providing a snapshot of a population's characteristics. It is relatively quick and cost-effective compared to longitudinal studies. It can identify correlations between variables and is useful for generating hypotheses for further investigation.

Cross sectional area of a cylinder?

= area of a circle = pi*r^2 or length x width if the cross section is longitudinal (since the area will be rectangular)

What is cross sectional comparison study research?

What is Cross- SectionalCross-sectional studies (also known as Cross-sectionalanalysis) form a class of research methods that involve observation of some subset of a population of items all at the same time, in which, groups can be compared at different ages with respect of independent variables. Cross-sectional data in statistics and econometrics is a type of one-dimensional data set. Cross-sectional data refers to data collected by observing many subjects (such as individuals, firms or countries/regions) at the same point of time, or without regard to differences in time. Analysis of cross-sectional data usually consists of comparing the differences among the subjects. A Cross-sectional regression is a type of regression model in which the explained and explanatory variables are associated with one period or point in time. This is in contrast to a time-series regression or longitudinal regression in which the variables are considered to be associated with a sequence of points in time.

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Cross sectional