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The part of the frame across the top of a door is called a lintel if it is structural (bearing a load). If it is not structural, it can be called a head trimmer. The headis the top of the door.

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Threshold. Or a sill

Or Soleplate. DOOR SILL as opposed to the term WINDOW SILL. OR DOOR STEP. A Soleplate is more correctly, the piece of timber (usually about 50mmthick) placed in the soil and beneath a timber or concrete Stump of a house. It is typically 200 x 300mm and made from Red Gum or Jarrah so that it lasts a long time in the damp ground.

(USA answer) The bottom of a door frame is usually called the threshold or doorsill. A sole plate is the first piece of wood that lays flat on its widest face at the bottom of a stud wall. Studs (usually 2x4's or 2x6's) rest vertically on the sole plate. It may be made of pressure treated wood to prevent decay or a specie that resists decay naturally such as cedar, or cypress, or redwood. Corrected in this answer: The plate that rests on top of a foundation wall is called the sill plate (not sole plate).

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Lintel. In Hebrew it is called משקוף - Mashkoaf.Answer 2The top piece of the frame is called a header. The lintel is the support structural piece to which the top of the frame is secured. The top horizontal piece of the door itself is also called the door header.

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The header is the 2x12 in the wall, I'm not sure the wall has a term.

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It is called a door frame. Or if you are talking about the edges of the wall, its the molding.

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yes it is called a jamb.

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in our photography class, it is either frame within frame, or double images. everyone calls it different things, but universally called frame within frame. :) If you mean frame within a 'door' frame. then it is called a sub-frame

Where are the 1965 Chevy truck vin locations?

Vin plate attached to top of door frame. Partial vin also stamped on top of frame on drivers side in engine compartment.

How do you measure exterior frame door width?

You are supposed to measure the "rough" opening. This is distance from the studs that line the door opening. (not from the door frame itself) Top to bottom then from side to side. If you already have a door there and are just replacing it then you can just measure the door and get one of the same size. Good luck.

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To hang a bi-fold door, start by installing the track at the top of the door frame. Then, attach the pivot brackets to the top and bottom of the door. Finally, hang the door onto the track and adjust the positioning as needed for smooth operation.

What is the Difference between door jam and door frame?

A door frame is the rough opening that the door and door jam go in to. Door frames are part of the framing of a house and the door jam is the out side frame that the door sits in.

How do you frame a dome shaped door?

frame in with angular pieces at top, 1/2 in gap around perimeter of door, attach door. sprayfoam all iar gaps with minimal expaning foam and trim door, trim will allso hhelp keep door in place, if not sure call a carpenter, that what were here for