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I presume the poem the questioner was referring to was written by Emily Dickinson as follows.


I have no Life but this -- by Emily Dickinson

I have no Life but this --

To lead it here --

Nor any Death -- but lest

Dispelled from there --

Nor tie to Earths to come --

Nor Action new --

Except through this extent --

The Realm of you --'

I would say, and I am not experienced at poetry analysis, that the main points being made is that all we know for certain is that we are alive now, this moment and we do not even know whether we will be able to ever do anything different to that which are now doing. However our poet is so in love that whatever it is she does will be done in the context of her relationship with her lover and "The Realm of you'

I look forward to reading the reactions of others including the questioner?

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