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Etymology is the study of the sources and development of words.

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3d ago

The study of the original root of a word is called etymology. Etymology examines the history and evolution of words, including their origins and how their meanings have changed over time.

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Q: What is the study of the original root of a word called?
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Which best describes what a root word is?

A root word is an original word from which other words are derived.

What is the word for the origin of a word traced back in time?

That's an ambiguous question. The science/art of tracing a word to its origin is called "etymology." The origin of that word, or its original form, is the "root word," or the "etymological root."

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the original root word for dry is secco Latin

Does museum have greek origins?

Yes. It comes from the Greek word "mouseion" meaning "a place of study" but was originally intended to mean "a shrine for the Muses." This word is the root of the Latin word "museum" which has the same meaning as the original Greek ("a place of study")

Which word contains a Greek suffix that means the study of?

Its - in modern Greek- διάβασμα (diavasma). You can find it in ancient Greek root word as -ology or -logy meaning ''the study of''. [original form λόγος (logos) : speech).

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Which of the following root means word or study?

The root "log" means word or study. This root is commonly found in words like "biology" (study of life) and "geology" (study of the earth).

What does the root-logy mean in the word biology?

"the study of"

Is capit a root meaning of word or study?

No it is a root meaning head, cheif, or leader from the latin word caput

What does root words means?

Root means stem, original, basic word, it is normally the shortest version of a word available, in the same language For example: Stem - other Do - does, done, doing Base - basic, basically, bases Annual - biannual, annually