Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources therefore, the study of economics is only important because of the scarcity of resources. Higenyi
ECONOMICS is the study of the allocation of SCARCE resources.
William NOrdhaus defined economics as the study of how individual and society choose to use scarce resources.
Economics is often described as a body of knowledge or study that discusses how a society tries to solve the human problems of unlimited wants and scarce resources.
what scarce resources are used to produce goods and services.
Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources therefore, the study of economics is only important because of the scarcity of resources. Higenyi
ECONOMICS is the study of the allocation of SCARCE resources.
William NOrdhaus defined economics as the study of how individual and society choose to use scarce resources.
Economics is often described as a body of knowledge or study that discusses how a society tries to solve the human problems of unlimited wants and scarce resources.
what scarce resources are used to produce goods and services.
The problem of scarce resources relative to human wants
The study of economics is essentially the study of how to intelligently distribute limited resources in order to best satisfy unlimited wants.
The efficient use of scarce productive resources.
· The study of how the individuals and societies make choices about ways to use scarce resources.