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Q: What is the sound following the flash of lighting?
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Related questions

Does thunder have a flash?

No. Lighting produces a flash. Thunder is the sound the lightning produces.

Why does the sound of thunder always follow the flash of lighting?

Because light travels faster than sound.

Is thunder visible?

Thunder isn't visible. It is the sound produced by lighting. Lighting is visible either as a bolt or a flash of light.

Why would you have to watch out if the flash of lighting and the sound of thunder seemed to occur together?

The closer together the flash and thunder occur, the nearer the storm is to you.

Why do you hear lighting long after you see the flash?

You hear the sound, called thunder, after the flash because light travels many times faster than sound and therefore reaches you first.

If the time lag between seeing the flash of lighting and hearing the thunder is 4 seconds how far away is the lighting?

Compare the speed of light to the speed of sound for your answer. In any explosion, you see the flash before you hear the noise.

How did the flash became the flash?

He was hit by lighting from the particle accelerator .

Who makes the lighting flash?


Where did flash get his powers?

He was hit by lighting

How do lighting bugs flash?

they have a light on their bottom

What is the approximte distance of a thunderstorm if you notice a three-second delay between the flash of lighting and the sound of the thunder?

About three-fifths of a mile. The sound of the thunder takes approximately five seconds to travel one mile.

Names for sound and light company?

Sound and lighting