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Q: What is the series limit for paschen series of helium ion?
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Is helium a polyatomic ion?

Helium is typically monatomic, even as an ion.

What is the ion charge of a helium atom Is it plus 1?

Helium does not form ion.

Is helium an isotope atom or ion?

Helium is a neutral atom that has several isotopes and can become an ion.

Why is o6 a helium like ion?

Helium has two valence electrons. O6+ ion (a hypothetical ion) will also have 2 valence electrons.

Is the helium ion positive or negative?

If one electron has been removed from Helium's electron shell then it is a He+ ion. If both of its electrons have been removed it becomes a He2+ ion. Either way they are both positive ions.

What is isoelectronic with helium?

The Hydride ion (H-) and the lithium ion (Li+).

If a helium ion is emmited during the disintegration of a nucleus what kind of decay is this called?

Nuclear emission of a helium ion is called alpha decay.

What is helium's type of ion?

Helium is chemically inert and does not form any type of ions.

When a helium atom loses an electron then what is formed?

Type your answer here... when helium atom removes a electron it forms a helium+ ion.(He+)

Is there a limit to the negative charge that can occur on an ion?

Yes, there is a limit to negative charge that can occur on an ion.

How hydride ion and helium atom have same number of electron?

Helium has 2 electrons. hydrogen has one electron. Hydride ion is formed when hydrogen gains one electron, and thus hydride ion will also have 2 electrons.

What can helium and neon combine with?

The unstable ion (NeHe)+ is known.