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The color of a star is related with the wavelength of the light observed. Wien's Law states that:

Peak Wavelength x Surface Temperature = 2.898x10-3

Peak Wavelength is the wavelength of the highest intensity light coming from a star.

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The color of a star is directly related to its temperature. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red. This relationship is described by Wien's Law, which states that hotter objects emit shorter-wavelength, higher-energy light, while cooler objects emit longer-wavelength, lower-energy light.

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Q: What is the relationship between the color of the star and temperature of a star?
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What can we learn by studying star color?

The color of a star is a good indicator of its temperature.

What property of a star can be determined from is color?

Its temperature.

Who discovered the relationships between stars temperature and the brightness?

Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell,working independently, realized the relationship between a star's temperature and its brightness.Together, in 1910, they formed what is now known as the Hertzsprung--Russell diagram or HR Diagram.It's a scatter graph showing the relationship between a star's absolute magnitudes, their spectral types and temperatures.

How does star's color change as its temperature increases?

because when its temperature increases it changes color because the heat that its getting makes it changeStar color changes as the temperature increases. This is because the hotter it gets the red it is.

What factors affect the color of a star?

The temperature affects the color of a star.

Related questions

What is the relationship between the color and the temperature of star?

The relationship is that the color is an indication of the star's surface temperature. For example, red stars are cooler, while blue stars are hotter. You can find more details in the Wikipedia article "Stellar classification".

What is the color of a star most closely related to its?

The color of a star is closely related to its temperature. Cooler stars appear reddish in color, while hotter stars appear blue. This is due to the relationship between temperature and the peak wavelength of light emitted by the star.

What property of a star can be determined from its color?

The temperature of a star can be determined from its color. Stars with cooler temperatures appear red, while stars with hotter temperatures appear blue. This color-temperature relationship is known as the Wien's Law.

Why does the color of a star determine?

The color of a star is determined by its temperature, with hotter stars appearing blue and cooler stars appearing red. This is due to the relationship between temperature and the peak wavelength of light emitted, known as Wien's Law. It is easier to observe a star's color than its temperature directly, making color a useful indicator for astronomers.

Who discovered the relationship between a star brightness and temperature?

Hertzsprung and Russell.

Who discovered the relationship between the star temperature and brightness?

Hertzsprung and Russell.

What is relationship between star tempertur and color?

The temperature of a star is correlated with its color. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red or orange. This relationship is governed by a star's surface temperature, with cooler stars emitting longer, redder wavelengths and hotter stars emitting shorter, bluer wavelengths.

What relationship do you see between star color and star temperature?

The color of a star is related to its temperature - hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red. This is because the temperature of a star affects the distribution of light it emits, with hotter stars emitting more blue light and cooler stars emitting more red light. The color of a star can therefore be used to estimate its temperature.

What relationship is shown on the HR diagram?

The Hertzsprung-Russel diagram shows brightness versus color (the color reflects the star's temperature).

What information does the color of a star provide?

The color of a star provides information about its temperature. Blue stars are hotter than yellow stars, which are hotter than red stars. This color-temperature relationship helps astronomers understand the life cycle and characteristics of stars.

What would be the absolute magnitude and color of a main sequence star with a temperature of 25000K?

The absolute magnitude of a main sequence star with a temperature of 25,000K would depend on its luminosity, which is not provided in the question. However, at this temperature range, the star would appear blue-white in color, as it falls within the blue-white region of the stellar temperature-color relationship.

A star is classified as being in class b what is its color. temperature?

A star classified as type B is blue in color and has a surface temperature between 10,000 to 30,000 K.