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The process in which an image is drawn with a waxy pencil or crayon directly on a plate which can be made of zinc stone or aluminum is called lithography.

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When was the pencil crayon invented?

Around about the time the pencil crayon was invented

How do you spell pencil in French?

a pencil is spelled "un crayon / un crayon de bois" in French.Un crayon.un crayon à papier

Pencil in French?

a pencil is 'un crayon' in French.

What Is A Pencil Called In French?


What is the french name for pencil?

a pencil is 'un crayon' in French.

What is the French Term for your pencil?

your pencil is 'ton crayon' in French.

What number is Laurentian Pencil Crayon Sienna Brown?

Laurentian Pencil Crayon Sienna is No. 49, but Sienna Brown is 26.

How do you say i have your pencil in french?

You would say "J'ai ton crayon" in French to mean "I have your pencil."

How do you say pencil crayon in French?

un crayon de bois / or / un crayon à papier

What does des crayon mean in French?

The English word for "Des Crayon" is "The Pencil".

Ou est mon crayon?

Où est mon crayon? Where is my pencil?

What does un crayon mean in French?

"un crayon" (masc.) is a pencil in French.